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A Poem to my Pain

*Originally posted as a Thought on*

My pain is constant.

It is always there.

There is an ebb and flow but there is never a full out stop.

I can't remember a day without pain.

I battle my neck daily.

I negotiate with my legs.

If I do this, we can take a break.

If I can just do that, we can sit down.

Don't let the 10 show up until this meeting, this appointment, this time with my friends is over.

Give me 10 more minutes.

5 more minutes.

Give me one,

just 1 minute and then you can spike.

I'm thankful for the 3's on the scale.

Those are the good days.

I ride the wave of 3's until a 6 hits.

Until an 8 hits.

Until a 10.

My pain is constant,

regardless of how I look outside.

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