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Hello! It has been a long time since I've written anything! I don't feel like much has changed in my life so no big updates. Having illnesses that affect your hormones is rough. It's hard to find motivation. It's hard to live a normal life. I think that it's blocking my creative juices because I've been finding it hard to write anything lately. I left my thyroid medication at my mom's house and I'm finding it very frustrating. I think this paragraph is a testament to my inability to focus. Thanks body! I'm sure it's a combination of the medications I take and the fact that I have irregularities with my thyroid and parathyroid hormone. I feel all over the place and like I can't focus! I've been taking 90mg of cinacalcet for the hyperparathyroidism. I take 75 micrograms of levothyroxine for hypothyroidism. I'm supposed to have started birth control again but I haven't yet. Why is it so hard to focus? It doesn't help that my job hasn't really given me many days of work lately. I'm feeling stressed on and off. Looks like I need some better coping mechanisms than Mario Maker. I need to make some changes but it's not really easy when you have a whole bunch of illnesses. It's so hard to focus on improving myself when I can hardly focus on the bare minimum.

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