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Miraculous You

The dictionary defines a miracle as a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences. Theologians may define a miracle as an event that cannot be explained by the laws of nature or science, leaving the only probable cause to be the hand of divine agency. Some people define life as a miracle, where others will explain it as the laws of biology. Some people say miracles are so rare and extraordinary that most of us will never know one in our lives. Perhaps we lack the words to do justice to the concept of a miracle. If you consider people recovering from illnesses that were certain to bring them to death to be a miracle, it becomes even more clouded. You see, medical professionals can do so much, science is always advancing things. However, the patients themselves play a huge role in the recovery. Change that slightly, instead of having the patient struggle from an acute illness to a long term chronic one, and you've described us. We are miracles, living, and breathing miracles that have much to offer the world. Perhaps you expected to be awarded a fancy car, a lovely home, a different life because you hold the status of being a miracle. Instead, you discover this miracle stuff is messy and hard. There is no book or plan for how to manage this life, but you do anyway. And that too is a miracle. How do you honor being a miracle?

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