So the beginning of a new year and finding the new me and my voice. I have decided to join this movement to keep on with my goal and mission to make my suffering and obstacles count. I’m going to do what I can to help shed a light on what we deal with and how debilitating it can b sometime. My main goal though is to try and help show others they aren’t alone and maybe my story and records will help find a treatment or cure for those like me. I have a huge list of problems but look like I’m perfectly healthy except for really bad flare days. My list as of yet is below but I go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN next week to see Neurology and the Genetics department took my case so we’re hoping it’ll be the breakthrough we need to finally figure out the missing pieces to try and start feeling better. Here is my list:
Crohn’s disease with complications not in remission, ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hyper-mobile, Mast Cell Activation syndrome, m, POTS Syndrome, Surgically induced menopause, Melanoma skin cancer, Pseudotumor Cerebri, Osteoarthritis, Not known which kind yet - autoimmune inflammatory arthritis, PTSD, MTHFR Homozygous c677t gene mutation, Inflammatory Neuropathy, Lumbar and Cervical radiculopathy with chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, IBS, GERD, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Hiatal hernia, Asthma, Sleep Apnea, Degenerative disc disease in Cervical Spine, Essentia Tremor, Thyroid Nodules, Depression and Anxiety. As if this wasn’t enough there’s still more to find and maybe the list will change and get smaller with their help. Long winded I know but thank you for reading. #selflove #selfcare #invisibleillness #butyoudontlooksick
Thank you so much it’s Nice to meet you Rachel! Thank you for having me and I appreciate the well wishes
Nice to meet you, PaintedMTSky. I hope the visit at Mayo Clinic goes well and you get some answers. Thank you so much for joining the movement!!
What a nice blog post and great to meet you! That is quite a long list of issues and we hope you can overcome them. We will be here the entire way to help support you and give you the strength you need :)