We are just over a week into the new year, I'm already seeing across social media platforms everyone sharing the progression of their new years resolutions and its great!
What is my New Year's resolution?
My New year's resolution is to learn more. Learn more about who i am, learn more about my conditions. I have several conditions and most still confuse doctors and don't have enough awareness. I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome, Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynauds disease and an A-systolic heart murmur and others but the list is long.
Whilst learning though i want to spread awareness of invisible disabilities. The more awareness there is, the less of a taboo subject it becomes. Lots of people don't know how to act around others who are different and around the unknown.
People are scared of the unknown.
So in short AWARENESS is my new years resolution.
What would you like to see from Invisible Wave in 2020?
I'd love to see awareness raised nationally! i'm hoping to help that by blogging from the UK. I want too see bi-weekly topics about individual conditions, by doing this we can raise more awareness from individual experiences and fact based threads!
Above all i want to see a community grow, a safe place for young adults fighting through these invisible conditions and disabilities.
Spreading awareness is a great resolution! You're definitely right, people are scared of the unknown, but hopefully this movement will make this topic less of a taboo. P.S. I also have Raynaud's - it sucks, especially in the winter. I recently tried alpaca socks (as opposed to wool) and they have been working really well for keeping my feet warm!
Unknown member
Jan 09, 2020
I love it! As someone else blogging from the UK I'll be here to raise awareness with you 🎉
Hi Melissa! I love the idea of raising awareness and possibly funds for individual illnesses, I definitely have a lot to learn myself and would love to have that information easily accessible here! Thanks for joining us :)
Welcome to the blog! People are definitely scared of the unknown. But like you said, the more awareness there is - the less of a taboo subject it becomes.Biweekly topics about individual conditions is a great idea! Welcome again and can’t wait to see more from you :) th
Spreading awareness is a great resolution! You're definitely right, people are scared of the unknown, but hopefully this movement will make this topic less of a taboo. P.S. I also have Raynaud's - it sucks, especially in the winter. I recently tried alpaca socks (as opposed to wool) and they have been working really well for keeping my feet warm!
I love it! As someone else blogging from the UK I'll be here to raise awareness with you 🎉
Hi Melissa! I love the idea of raising awareness and possibly funds for individual illnesses, I definitely have a lot to learn myself and would love to have that information easily accessible here! Thanks for joining us :)
Welcome to the blog! People are definitely scared of the unknown. But like you said, the more awareness there is - the less of a taboo subject it becomes. Biweekly topics about individual conditions is a great idea! Welcome again and can’t wait to see more from you :) th