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The Anxious Dino

Movie: The Good Dinosaur 🦕

My thoughts: This movie for me was like being on a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s full of ups and downs, very sensitive moments and lots of action. This young Dino (Arlo) suffers mentally from being the youngest and smallest (runt) of his family. He is afraid of pretty much everything. He is also constantly looking for ways to prove his worth to his own family but whenever an opportunity arises he second guesses himself. It also shows the struggles of not having much of a support system. His father who we all know who loves him, is always pushing him to get over his fears instead of trying to understand and help him. His siblings laugh at him constantly and tease him for his fears. He has no friends and had a hard time trusting his instincts. Since I can remember I have suffered from moderate anxiety. This fear and anxiety is debilitating. It’s life altering and effects not just me but my little family as well. I feel this movie represents this illness perfectly. A young boy learning to navigate the world and his anxiety. Learning what’s realistic and what’s “obsurd” as far as fears. Fully capable of making friends and being on his own once he learns how to get out of his own way, Mentally. As a person who lives with GAD this invisible illness is usually looked at as irrational and overly sensitive. You don’t see the struggles and turmoil that is involved with anxiety in most movies. So I feel this film really depicts the qualities and characteristics for someone who suffers and definitely shines a light on Mental Health. @thechronicallyillqueen

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Jan 15, 2020

Anxiety and GAD is extremely difficult to live with. It’s completely invisible yet people think it’s nothing. It’s debilitating and can wreck havoc on you mentally and physically. This is a great analogy and feels like something that should definitely be talked about more!

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