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Impostor syndrome manifests as self-doubt in one's ability, accomplishments, and skills. Many people will attribute their success to luck or being in the right place at the right time. Almost everyone will feel as though they are a fraud, as though they somehow managed to trick everyone into believing in them.

Imagine my surprise at discovering a facet of imposture syndrome showing up in my life concerning my illness. I wouldn't have turned down some warning on this little symptom. No, I don't question my abilities or accomplishments. I do, however, feel like a phony at certain times as I journey through life with this illness of mine.

Perhaps it is this sense of being a fraud that prevents me from making my life easier, such as a disability placard for my car. My doctors have assured me that I qualify for when with my joint damage and pain. These experts have said they would gladly fill out the required paperwork for me. Yet I hesitate and wait.

Some of you might wonder why I would refuse assistance that makes my life easier. I suspect some of you know why because you too feel like a fake. It isn't your fault, and you aren't a fraud.

Your illness is real, and you know this, you've been diagnosed by a doctor, an expert if you will. However, if you are like me, you feel a fraud due to waxing and waning symptoms. You aren't sick enough to need to be hospitalized (thank heavens for that), but you aren't healthy either.

If no one has told you, you aren't a fraud. You are an amazing person with an invisible illness with symptoms that come and go.

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